So I had this dream last night. I am not exactly religious but it freaked me out. I wrote this at 3:45 in the morning and it sounds like something out of a cheesy sci-fi movie. It probably spawned from the religious debate that my roommates and I have been having. I do not lend myself to any particular religion, my boyfriend is Christian, my roommate is atheist and her boyfriend is Catholic so you can see where we all have different views. Somehow this probably embedded itself into my subconscious and this came out. What the hell???
The earth is in ruin. Everywhere is destruction, fire, chaos, death. There are no structures still standing, except one lone building in the distance. The building reaches to the sky where it touches the only white patch of clouds in sight. The patch which is a symbol of hope seems to be slowly closing in. Lightning flashes within the clouds. All of a sudden I find myself in a garden with many other people, the first I have seen yet. The garden looks as if it was once beautiful, but

thorns now grow from the ground and entangle the trees. The air is becoming clouded and hard to breath. Everyone is standing around talking in hushed tones, but the voices together form a dull cacophony of fear. There is one voice speaking above the rest. It is calm yet urgent. It is coming from very far away. I am the first; it seems, to realize the truth. I try to hush the others but to no avail. I look over my shoulder only to realize that I have wings. I turn around to see everyone else and now they to have wings. I see standing in a corner a familiar face. I run over to him. Just as I reach out to him I feel myself being pulled away. Like being dragged under water. Everything is getting darker as I get farther and farther away. Then for a moment everything is black. The next thing I know I am inside the building. I am standing in what looks to be a waiting room. There are people all over; all of them with the same bleak expression on their faces. Everything is one color. A sort of grayish yellow. The floors, the ceiling, the walls, the peoples clothes, their skin, all the same dark color. There are places where walls are not fully built or falling apart. Behind the walls are rows and rows of beds each inhabited with another person that looks the same as the last. I don’t know where I am so I ask a man standing in the hallway. He points to a door behind me and says we are at the gates of heaven. We are in limbo. In my confusion I scream at the man that I am supposed to be in heaven; that there is a mistake. He just laughs at me. I turn and walk down the hallway. There is room after room after room of nothing but scattered papers overturned desks and chairs; broken windows. The things you would expect to find in a post apocalyptic world. Halfway down the hall I turn to look behind me and find a trail of blood and feathers. I look at my wings. They appear as though they are melting. Flesh and feathers rot and fall to the floor. I don’t have much time. I turn and begin walking faster and then I am running down the hall. I come to the end of the hallway. There is a man. He is turned away from me. He is dressed in black and has hair down to the center of his back. His hair is in dread locks. The man has a mop in his hands and is dragging it across the floor. The water he is using in the bucket is black. He slowly turns to face me. All I see are his black rimmed glasses staring at me. He smiles. I don’t even have to speak “God is dead” these are the only words he speaks. He laughs to himself and goes back to his work. I step towards the door directly in front of me and turn the handle. It opens. I am outside for only seconds before I am back inside lying on the floor gasping for air. I cannot remember what was behind the door but I know I cannot go back. I stand and notice that I am now dressed in all black and my wings are nothing more than bloody stalks. The man is gone but it doesn’t matter. I have to get back to heaven. I begin running down the hall following my own trail of blood and feathers. I look over my shoulder. The man is back and he is chasing after me. After a moment I look again and the man has become two shadowy figures. I reach the waiting room outside the gates. The gates have been forced open and no one alive remains in the waiting room. I enter the gate and try to force it closed. I cannot close it. The figures pass through me and I wake up.

OH GOD!!!The world is coming to an end. Everyone bury your heads in the sand!!!
I have such odd dreams!
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