Journal 9:
I admit I have been slightly neglecting my blog of lately and (admittedly because the professor said she is checking blogs this weekend) I need to catch up. I am a little unclear on what exactly I am missing from my blog, but upon checking other blogs I have realized that a lot of other people used an explanation of peer review days as an entry and I will be doing the same. It may be a little out of order but better late that never.
Peer review 2/8: Important figures paper
I began on the day we did our first peer review. After giving my papers to Shelly and Ann I stressed to them my extreme misuse of the comma. I have always been comma happy in my writing and recently, due to being screamed at for using to many commas, I have been neglecting comma use in my papers. I reread the chapter on commas and even though I enjoy the comical styling of our Grammar and Style book,

but it was not of the utmost help. It could just be that I am comma stupid and incapable of grasping the enigma that is the comma. Anyways, after a long silence during which much reading occurred, Ann was the first to discuss my paper. She started with a compliment saying that I had done a nice job with only some minor mistakes. She pointed out a run-on sentence in my first paragraph, an awkward sentence and an unclear explanations in my second, and some capitalization problems in my third. The main thing she showed me was my works cited page. I had forgotten (because it has been quite a long time since I have written a WC page) to use a hanging indent. Mrs. Mangun (my really cool Senior year English teacher) would be kicking me in the head if she saw my works cited page. It was a mess. Next to review my paper was Shelly. Shelly I could tell was a bit shy when it comes to reviewing other peoples work. She is very nice and I think kind of afraid to offend someone if she points out errors so she only a few things about missing commas and unclear passages to show me but it was still very helpful to me. My session went very well and I appreciated what both the girl had to say about my paper. Next Ann gave us her paper and explained that she had misunderstood the assignment so the paper was not exactly on the right subject but to just go with the flow and so we read her paper. I went first when I was done reading her paper. Other than not being on the right subject it was very well written. He had a nice flow and a good tone in her writing. I pointed out some repetitive words and awkwardly sounding sentences but honestly there was not much there to correct ( I was not just being lazy). Last but not least we read Shelly’s paper. Her topic is the Wright brothers and their role in aviation so it was a pretty interesting paper and enjoyable to read. Ann went first this time and pointed out many of the things I had noticed as well. Some minor punctuation and awkward sentences, but when it was my turn I pointed out her quotes. She had quoted some thing that really didn’t need to be quoted and some stuff that that I though needed to be paraphrased and not quoted. I did my best in the short time we had left in class to explain the rules for quoting and citations and her works cited page. I ended up commenting on her blog with some more helpful information because we did not have much time left in class by the time we got to her paper. Overall, Shelly’s paper was very well written as well. She has a unique writing style and an interesting topic. All together I think the peer review session was helpful to everyone and we used the class time well.
Peer review session 2/22: Important issues paper
This peer review session was a little mixed up due to the fact that we only had 5 people at the beginning of class, so we all traded papers as one big group. No one really said anything about their papers before we began reading so I kind of said to anyone listening my spiel about my paper. I had been rushed that week to finish my paper and barley got 2 ½ pages done for the peer review. I explained that the paper was not completely coherent because I jot down ideas and write as ideas come to me and then go back and add and fix stuff later and I had not had enough time to completely add and fix things. I had 3 papers to read and everyone else had 3 or 4 each so we took a lot of time reading (nearly ¾ the class time) and slowly we all started handing back papers and chattering quietly. Mostly we all just commented on the sides of the paper and Ms. Hanes lectured us on citations and using Wikipedia as a source so we really did not have time to talk to each other about our comments, but I talked to Shelly and Casey about their papers before I left. I got a lot of good comments on my papers even tough we didn’t all talk. I think this class session went well also.
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